Thank you for taking the time to interview for the staff writer position

253 North 57th Avenue
Omaha, NE 68132

Dr. Joel E. Newall
Director, University Relations
University of Nebraska-Omaha
Omaha, NE 68132

Dear Dr. Newall:

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to interview me for the staff writer position you have open.

I enjoyed meeting with you and am confident we could have an excellent working relationship.

Especially after meeting with you, I am positive that my background and expertise are a perfect fit for the job and its requirements.

Recapping my strengths and fit with the position:
  • my previous short-term stints as staff writer with two suburban Lincoln colleges provided excellent experience;
  • my newspaper editing background would be an enormous asset because I have the inside track on what editors are looking for;
  • my ongoing efforts with my highly-touted social media blog gives me the insights and skills to greatly enhance UNO's position;
  • my excellent "people skills" would enable me to fit into your congenial atmosphere as well as work well with the media and the university community.

I am also enclosing a piece I wrote expressing some of my ideas on how PR people can have greater success getting their publicity placed in the media, includiing social media outlets.

Thank you again, Dr. Newall, for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you around the first of the year.

Sincerely yours,

Carl Carlsburg

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Related : Thank you for taking the time to interview for the staff writer position