Template for an External Examiner Appointment letter

Template for an External Examiner Appointment email/letter


Appointment as External Examiner

I write to inform you that the University of Edinburgh would like to appoint you as External Examiner in the following courses/programmes

Add courses/programmes

Appointment period
Your appointment will be for a period of X years from 1 October 201X until 30 September 201X.

Please find attached to this letter important information about your role as an External Examiner which includes the following topics:

  1. Confirmation of right work in the UK
  2. Providing evidence of right to work in the UK
  3. Agreement for External Examiners
  4. Annual reports
  5. Information to support the role of External Examiner
  6. External Examiner Fees
  7. Greater transparency of the External Examining process

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries about the above topics or require any further information

Yours sincerely

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Related : Template for an External Examiner Appointment letter