Letter requesting payment of overdue account


Send this payment request letter template when a client's account is overdue. The letter reminds the client of the credit agreement and requests payment by a specified date to avoid collection action.

[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

Is there some reason you have not paid your bill of $[amount]?
Your signed credit agreement states that you agree to pay this bill in [number of payments] installments. Your [payment number] payment is now overdue by [number of days] days.
Please remit payment of $[amount] by [date]. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this bill, please contact me at [phone number].
Failure to send the full amount by [date], may mean that your account is turned over to a collection agency. Your prompt attention is required to resolve this issue.

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Related : Letter requesting payment of overdue account