Sorry Letter to Aunt

Relations are like threads which weave the cloth of our life that gives us the warmth and strength to sustain our lives. But sometimes situations or our attitude brings a tension in the relations. In that case it is our soul responsibility to make our mistake and ask for an apology. Especially when it is about our elders, we should not think a bit before saying sorry. A letter is among the best ways to ask sorry.
Here is a sorry letter to aunt:
Mrs. Martha Alfred,
P.O. Box – 346,
Celtic Lane,
13th May, 2010
Dear Aunt Martha,
I am writing this letter to apologize for my mistake and to beg your pardon. I know that you gave me the responsibility of looking after your nursery and you were relaxed after my confident reply of taking a good care of it. But I have not done the work properly and your garden was affected badly because of my ignorance.
Now I am feeling guilty for not doing my work up to your expectations. I feel that I should look after the plants with a great care and consider that work prior to anything. Though I can’t bring the rotten plants back to life but I promise that if you give me one more chance, I will make out my mistake and give my full attention to the nursery.
I hope you will forgive me for my act and this will not hinder your love for me. I want to tell you that I love you and always want you to be there with me to guide me and I will not do anything wrong in future that will hurt you.
Please forgive me for my fault.
With warm regards,

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Related : Sorry Letter to Aunt